Art Works
Selected Paintings
If you are interested in purchasing any of these works please email me
Sun Blissed, Oil on PolyCotton, 76 x 76cm, 2025
This painting represents a significant moment of healing and celebration in my life. I have chosen to embrace the light and sun-filled joy of simply being. To invite a sense of summer and vitality to this self portrait. This painting shows a significant and profound shift in my practice that, until now, explored sad and dark thoughts that often expressed angst and hopelessness.
With this painting, I hope to invite viewers to remember their own moments of peace and relaxation. To find solace in the simple pleasures of life, to celebrate joy, healing, and the bliss of sitting in the sun.
Continuing with this theme I have enlisted my beautiful family to model for me. Above are works currently in progress to add to this series.
Basilica Venezia, Oil on Canvas, 122x102cm, 2024
On my recent Art Adventure to Venice (2023) I witnessed the Basilica of San Marco in all its blinding, sun-lit, water-reflected magnificence. It stayed in my mind as I wondered ‘how can I paint this beauty in a way that it has not been painted before?.’ I wanted it to appear and disappear. I wanted to make an ‘ecological’ statement about loosing Venice to floods caused by global warming. Of course it’s not just Venice, BUT Venice does make a profound statement of our current destructive trajectory .
Il Papa, Oil on Canvas, 40x35cm, 2024
Inspired by Giacomo Manzù’s bronze Cardinale housed at Ca’ Pesaro, Venice. This sculpture was severely damaged in the 2019 Aqua Alta floods and was only just restored when I saw him. I could imagine him bobbing up and down along the Grand Canal. The sleek lines and aerodynamic flow of the sculpture as well as its stern authority caught my eye and I just had to paint him.
Pink Palazzo, 76x152cm, 2024
When I think of Venice I often think of it in Pink. The Tuscan and Coral Pinks of its Venetian Gothic Architecture and of course the rose glass in its Art Nuevo styled lamp posts. Often a pink sunset appears and reflects in its canals and watery walk ways. Its elegant decaying structures encased in crimson hues.
Malady, Oil on canvas, 76×76cm, 2024
While I was exploring a theme of Vanity and Aging I painted this image of a mid-life woman in the first few days of contracting a nasty Virus, which ended up lasting for just over 6 weeks. It captures perfectly how I felt, it’s amazing I could paint at that point.
Invisible Woman, Oil on Canvas, 76×76cm, 2024
I painted this work as a literal translation of the middle-aged woman’s fear of being inconsequential, irrelevant - INVISIBLE, except for her hands which are always working, building, creating, taking care of everyone else.
Nurse Pain, Oil on canvas, 76×76cm, 2024
She’s a hardened, nasty piece of work. Enjoys inflicting pain on her vain ridden clients. “Beauty is Pain” she says.